* File Tree Directory class handles parsing of uploads folder and post request for file names.
class file_tree_dir {
* @param {string} id Id of the file to be parsed
constructor(id) {
* @property {string} ID
this.id = id;
* @property {string} files
this.files = this.files_in_dir();
* array of surface files with .SURF extension in the uploads folder
* @property {string[]} ID with .SURF
this.SURF_files = [];
* array of PDB files with .pdb extension in the uploads folder
* @property {string[]} ID with .pdb
this.pdb_files = [];
* array of hbond files with .txt extension in the uploads folder
* @property {string[]} ID with .txt
this.hbond_files = [];
* all other file types
* @property {string[]} ID
this.other = [];
* Async fetch of files in uploads directory to be parsed
* @returns {Object} files
async files_in_dir() {
var file;
console.log("-----Fetching files in dir-----")
return await fetch('/files_in_dir', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({ "id": this.id })
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => {
file = JSON.stringify(response);
this.files = this.JSON_response_parser(file);
return this.files;
JSON_response_parser(string) {
var str = string.replace(/["*?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "");
var str = str.split(",");
return str;
* groupFileFormats function groups files by file format eg. pdb, SURF, etc. and returns each group as a separate list
* @returns {string[]} SURF_files
* @returns {string[]} pdb_files
* @returns {string[]} hbond_files
* @returns {string[]} other
groupFileFormats() {
let files = this.files;
var SURF_files = []; var pdb_files = []; var hbond_files = []; var other = [];
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var file_format = files[i].split(".")[1];
switch (file_format) {
case "SURF":
case "pdb":
case "txt":
this.SURF_files = SURF_files;
this.pdb_files = pdb_files;
this.hbond_files = hbond_files
this.other = other
return this.SURF_files, this.pdb_files, this.hbond_files, this.other;
// return SURF_files, pdb_files, hbond_files;